Do You Need to Iron a Dress Shirt? Read this First! February 11 2023

It's dress shirt time and you are faced with a disaster. No matter how good the rest of your gear is, a busted shirt can quickly ruin a good vibe. Here at Natural Citizen, we have two great wrinkle removing options to solve your problem.
1) In a hurry and don't have time to iron? > Cold Iron Wrinkle Releaser
2) Have a few minutes? > London Laundry Ironing Spray
Do you really need to Iron a Dress Shirt?
Sometimes cutting corners pays off. Using a wrinkle release spray is the easiest solution, offering a quicker and more effective way to get rid of wrinkles. Read on to understand how wrinkle spray can be your savior on an important day.
Wrinkle Release Spray: Does it Really Work?
Don't knock it til you've tried it. Wrinkle release spray does actually work. It can be an effective alternative to ironing for a wide variety of fabrics. In addition, it's fast and easy, not requiring much of your time and effort to use. This makes it an appealing option for people who need to remove wrinkles from their dress shirts.
But how does a spray remove wrinkles?
Wrinkle release sprays are specifically made with unique compounds that soften the fabrics and make it easier to release the wrinkles. The formula lets the spray make it through the surface of the fabric so that all you need to do is smooth out the fabric or hang it up for the wrinkles to release as they dry. Gravity is doing the work and not you.
There are plenty of advantages to using wrinkle release spray, including:
- Maintains the quality of your clothing
- Takes less time
- Good for on-the-go situations
- Can freshen up the smell of your clothing
Using Wrinkle Release Spray
Wrinkle release sprays are pretty easy to use. The easiest way to use wrinkle release sprays is as follows:
- Hang dress shirts in an upright position or place them on a flat surface.
- Use the wrinkle release spray evenly across the front and back, about 5-10 sprays per time with the 32 oz bottle and 20-30 pumbs for a travel size mister.
- Use your hand to tug on the dress shirt and smooth out the wrinkles.
- Wait until the dress shirt is dried (usually between 5-10 minutes) before wearing it.
Wrinkle-release spray is just that easy to use. You can even use it safely on your clothing every day.
London Laundry Ironing Spray
The other option of course is to break out the iron and do the shirt the old fashion way. This method will lead to better creases and a more polished look, but it takes time, equipment, and more practice. Visit here if you want to learn how to iron a dress shirt using London Laundry Ironing Spray.
Read the article here
In conclusion, when you are short on time, grab a bottle of wrinkle releaser. Otherwise, if you have a few moments to spare or are doing a batch of shirts, we recommend upgrading your game to ironing spray. Either way, you will look great!